Name: Anemone Autumn ("Ann")
Class: Lisk Witch (rogue)
Weapon: Death Scissors
Grade: 9
Color: Green
Description: Extremely weird and shy girl, some people think she might be mute but that’s not true. Doesn’t think much about her appearance and wears the same thing for years. She mostly has a single iconic design of some sort of old fashioned torn robe, with an ethereal fantasy nature to it.
She is a perfect student academically, but she has no friends, and everyone has a different insane conspiracy theory about what her deal is. She gets picked on often but that is somewhat counteracted by the fact that everyone who bullies her seems to meet grizzly misfortune, like being maimed, having their house burn down.
This makes her extremely misunderstood.
She doesn’t really have self esteem, doesn’t really feel comfortable with her self concept at all. She is constantly becoming objects and animals, because she relates more to being a table than a person. Whatever her sexuality is, if there is any, it is atypical and complex.
In private she experiments with creating crazy spaces, gadgets, and potions, which are some of the best in the world, but she does not share them. She only ever sold one of her creations, a fantasy portal experience widely considered a classic, but she did it pseudonymously. However she also pseudonymously drops her amazing potions, many of which end up being used by our protagonist, which is something they bond over.
We learn early on that she was “bitten by the lisk” too. But it’s hard to tell because her bite mark is on her shoulder, and she hides it. Her lisk granted weapon is a pair of unassuming scissors. But the scissors are op. They often kill in one hit, ignoring shields and buffs, but the range obviously sucks and requires sneaking in close. The reason bad things happen to people around her is she has liskmares, and attacks the basilisk when she sees it. People end up getting hurt and she is made out to be a mute psycho.
She bonds with our protagonist over them both being bitten, and it’s a secret they share. However she feels she cannot make the journey to find and kill the lisk on her own, so she follows our protagonists lead, since it is her best shot at understanding wtf is going on. And maybe one day being understood.
Traits: Weird, Kind, Shy, Childlike, Lonely, Sad, Broken
Motivation: Run away from the Basilisk. To feel safe. To have a friend.
Strength: magic, crafting, intelligence, reading people, potions
Weakness: liskmares, direct combat
Growth: she will learn to speak up for herself